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Is it possible to learn how to make plants grow fast? If you’re getting started on your planting journey, of course you can’t wait to see your creations sprout and flourish. While there is truth to the colloquialism about watching grass grow — very slowly, in most cases — there are a few tips and tricks that you can use to kick things into gear.
The difference might be slight, but even the little things can help in the long run. Your plants will still take time to grow, but these tips are an opportunity to give them a little bit of extra nurturing along their way.
What helps plants grow? Here are our top seven recommendations.
1. Eggshells
A common compost tip, tossing eggshells into your garden can give your plants an extra boost of calcium to keep them strong and healthy. Tomato plants are especially receptive to eggshells. You can include them in the compost for your garden, or simply toss them into the soil.
2. Coffee Grounds
Used coffee grounds can make for excellent plant growth for those who love acidic soil. Holly, bottlebrush, azalea and evergreens all do well in acidic soil and would soak up all the nutrients the coffee grounds have to offer. Pack them in at the base of the plant or spread them throughout the soil for the best results.
3. Compost Tea
If you already compost, you can also use your compost pile to make a liquid brew — compost tea — that helps the plant grow faster, stronger and better. Often, this takes a large bucket and a fish tank aerator to make the best compost tea properly.
If you don’t compost, or don’t want to use your compost to make tea, you can usually find it in the form of a powder in the gardening department of many stores.
4. Proper Lighting
This mostly goes without saying, but it’s vastly important to make sure your plants are in the right amount of light if you want them to thrive. Along with water, proper lighting is one of the most important elements of what helps plants grow. Different plants often need different amounts of light, and you can look into the needs of each specific plant to take care of them as best as possible.
If you have potted plants, they’re easy to move around, but if you’re dealing with gardening in the ground, a bit of effective research and planning can do the trick. Plants exposed to too much light can dry up, while plants without enough sunlight run the risk of being starved for nutrients. If you want to learn how to make plants grow faster, providing them with the proper lighting is a great place to start.
5. Tea Leaves
As opposed to compost tea, you can also include actual tea in the growth of your plants. Used tea leaves contain nitrogen, potash and calcium, which are all nutrients that nourish soil and work as great natural fertilizer. This is a great option, as it uses the scraps from something you’ve already made in your kitchen in a brand new way.
6. Plant Food
You can always purchase plant food at the store, which is a quick and easy way to make your plants grow faster. However, you can also make your own plant food out of household items. Either of these solutions can make for a great boost to most plants you happen to be growing.
Many DIY plant food recipes involve epsom salts and baking soda, and there are many out there built for specific plant needs.
7. Grass Clippings
While not exactly a kitchen scrap, tossing grass clippings into your soil can help the plants stay hydrated and moisturized, and help to keep the weeds away.
This can be especially helpful for plants that need more frequent watering. Setting the grass clippings up in a thin, even layer atop the soil is a great method to provide protection and nutrients to your plants, helping you meet your goal of growing plants fast.
What Plants Grow Fast?
1. Spider Plant
Spider plants are the perfect choice for any new plant owner, as they are very easy to care for. They grow best in indirect sunlight. Avoid overwatering, but make sure to keep the soil moist to avoid drying the plant out. They will grow very quickly, especially if given proper care, so they are a great choice for anyone interested in growing plants fast!
2. Snake Plant
Like the spider plant, the snake plant is a great beginner plant, adapting to both dim and direct light and featuring tall, sturdy leaves. Snake plants can also go long periods without water – in the winter, they can go two months between waterings, while in the summer you will want to water them every three to four weeks. For best care, let the soil dry between waterings and alternate between indirect and direct sunlight. Avoid overwatering, which can cause rot. Since they will grow fast, you may have to repot them a couple times a year.
3. Bamboo
While the term “bamboo” is used for a thousand different plant species, not all of which can grow indoors, some varieties such as golden bamboo are perfect for growing indoors. These plants require little pruning and are easy to care for. It’s best to avoid too much shade, so place your plant in a bright spot that receives a lot of sun and indirect light. When watering, keep the soil moist, but avoid pooling water, or the roots will rot. With proper water and lighting, your plant will start growing fast!
How to Make Plants Grow Faster
These tips are all great ways to nourish and grow your plants a little quicker. It’s all about finding which ideas work for you in your garden or household.
Every plant is different, so it’s always important to research the specific needs of plants that you’re caring for. Some need less sunlight or more acidic soil. It’s important to learn and do your research about each individual sprout you’re spending so much time and effort on.
While there’s no magic spell to grow luscious vines overnight, you can always take a little extra care of your beloved plants by feeding them well, looking after them and getting excited to watch them grow.