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Spring is the planting season for many growing things, including your lawn. Determining the best grass seed for your location and climate enhances your property’s value and beautifies your landscape.
However, people create memes about lawn care woes for a good reason. Going in blind can result in costly and frustrating issues like bald spots and brown patches. A little homework goes a long way — here’s what to consider.
Reasons Homeowners Want a Yard
Before you invest in the best grass seed, consider how much of your property you want to devote to a traditional lawn. Techniques such as xeriscaping also enhance property value while reducing water use and creating fewer maintenance demands.
However, grassy areas benefit you for several reasons. It provides puppies with play and pooping space. Grass is more forgiving than mulch beneath your child’s playset, and it’s tough to practice your putts on a concrete patio.
Landscaping Ideas that Enhance Your Yard
It takes more than the best grass seed to enhance your outdoor living space. Using free landscape design tools saves you money in the long run — you avoid purchasing unnecessary materials and wasteful mistakes. Drawing your layout first opens the doors to adding beautifying elements such as:
- Vegetable and flower gardens
- Meditation gardens
- Dog runs
- Children’s play areas
- Waterfalls and ponds
- Retaining walls
- Patios, decks and gazebos
- Pools and hot tubs
- Outdoor kitchens
- Sports areas, like putting greens
What if you lack the time or budget to create your beautiful yard at once? Designing the layout reveals where to lay your grass seed, letting it become well-established while you work on the rest.
The Best Grass Seed for the Right Climate Zone
Selecting the best grass seed requires a bit of science. While you don’t need to become an expert botanist, knowing which varieties flourish in specific climates increases your chances of success.
Several factors affect which grass seed is best for your region — even your specific yard. For example, your home may have architectural features that create shady swaths in an otherwise sunny lawn. Even if you select the best grass seed for the majority of your yard, you may need a separate type for select patches.
Here are seven species of grass seed that you should know about:
- Kentucky Bluegrass: A perennial species good for cool areas with high winter and limited shade tolerance.
- Perennial Ryegrass: Another cool species that establishes quickly and tolerates cold well, although its heat and dryness tolerance vary by species.
- Fescues: Tall, versatile grasses that can tolerate heat, cold, shade and traffic and thrive in adverse conditions but tend to clump.
- Bermuda Grass: A perennial warm-season grass that thrives in high-traffic areas.
- Zoysia: A drought-resistant grass that tolerates heat well and is often used in transition zones from north to south.
- Bahia: This grass enjoys limited use in the deep south for its extreme heat and drought tolerance.
- Centipede Grass: An extremely heat-tolerant, low-maintenance species that only thrives in southeastern soils.
Many of the best grass seed brands listed below contain a blend of several species, although one typically predominates. Some homeowners sow several varieties, adding new seed on top of existing grass to fill in gaps before winter or during the spring thaw.
10 Best Grass Seed for a Beautiful Yard
Now that you understand the basics of selecting the best grass seed for your climate zone, here are 10 brands to consider when getting down and dirty with spring landscaping efforts.
For Areas of Extreme Cold
If you live in the extreme northern part of the country or a mountainous area, try the following brands to beautify your lawn:
1. Jonathan Green Black Beauty Fall Magic Cool Season Lawn Seed
With a blend of tall fescues, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass, this blend creates a lawn that can withstand several feet of winter snowfall and bounce back in the spring. It’s perfect for overseeding an existing lawn before winter or establishing a new grassy area in the fall.
2. OrOlam Canada Grass Seed Bag for Severe Weather
With a name like “Canada Grass,” you know the manufacturer designed this product for cold-weather use. This brand is excellent for combatting bare spots and fighting back crabgrass and weeds to establish itself as the dominant growth on your lawn.
For Shady Areas
If you have a shady patch that challenges grass to grow, show it its match with one of these brands.
3. Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Seed Mix
This signature blend of tall and fine fescues is your perfect solution for that shady spot where other seeds simply won’t take. It’s also good for fixing bald spots that can develop in high-traffic areas.
4. Jonathan Green Black Beauty Dense Shade Grass Seed Mix
Here’s another great seed for areas of limited sunlight penetration. It provides a dark green turf with a mix of Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and tall and fine fescues.
For Rainy Areas
Rain can increase erosion and deplete soil of nutrients, requiring a hardy species.
5. Fundamentals by Scotts Grass Perennial Ryegrass Mix for Erosion
This perennial ryegrass mix thrives in moist areas. It quickly repairs bald patches and prevents future erosion.
6. Greenview Fairway Formula Grass Seed Kentucky Blue Grass Blend
This bluegrass blend may thrive slightly better than some perennial ryegrass in partially shaded areas. Homeowners may also use a blend, as this brand offers superior drought and insect resistance.
For Hot and Dry Climates
Most areas within the United States do well with a blend of the grass seeds above. However, those who live in the desert southwest or extreme parts of the southeast may require one of the species below. Experimenting with various blends helps, as many of the species thrive in soils with a specific pH.
7. Outside Pride Full House Bermuda Grass Seed Blend
This blend includes three species of Bermuda grass. You’ll often find it on golf courses, but it does equally well for your home putting green.
8. Kviter Emerald Zoysia Grass Seeds
Add this transition seed to other blends to make your lawn more hot-weather tolerant if you live in the transition zone from the north to the deep south. It’s also excellent for areas of drought like the desert southwest.
9. SeedRanch Pensacola Bahia Grass Seed
As the name suggests, folks in Florida flock to this best grass seed for its drought and traffic tolerance. Plant it in high-traffic areas.
10. TifBlair Centipede Grass
If you live between the southern coast and the transition zone, try centipede grass. Its drought-resistant nature makes it a good choice for areas that see occasional dry spells.
Best Grass Seed
When creating your outdoor landscaping, choosing the best grass seed for your location and needs matters. Use this guide to develop green spaces that welcome you, your children and your pets. Craft the outdoor oasis of your dreams with the right grass seed, love and creativity.