How to Throw a Pool Party of Epic Proportions

Rose Morrison

Jun 20, 2024


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Let’s face it — a pool party is a statement piece. Get it right and your social standing automatically climbs up a few notches. Plus, everyone gets to have an enjoyable and unforgettable time. Get it wrong, however, and you’ll want to wipe away the memory from existence as quickly as possible. Knowing how to throw a pool party like a pro is the key to hosting an epic revelry. 

Keep these handy tips in mind to make a big splash with your spectacular poolside extravaganza. 

Select a Fun Theme

Every good party has a theme. Recent statistics show 1 in 3 people prefer to host a themed party, even if it’s super niche. Whether it’s a simple color scheme, a tropical paradise or something more festive and intricate, a fun party theme generates excitement and sets the tone for the event. 

The motif you choose will also inform your party decor decisions, tying everything together and creating a cohesive atmosphere for your guests. You could plan the event around water sports and pool activities to keep energy levels high throughout.

Nail the Invites 

Even if you only invite close friends and family, you must add some pizzazz to your party invitations. Knowing how to throw a pool party starts with how memorable the style with which you inform your guests about the event. It’s tempting just to shoot them a casual text or email, but remember, you’re going for epic here, so you must go the distance. 

Put some thought into the e-vite design. It should align with your chosen theme and contain eye-catching elements. You want people to be super excited when they see the invite and immediately tick the ‘Yes’ box on the RSVP. If you wish, you can ask them to each bring something unique to the party so they feel gratified at being involved in the event’s success. 

Get Safety Measures in Place

Safety must always remain your number one priority whenever you have people around the pool. Nothing ruins a good vibe quicker than an emergency. You’ll need special care if kids are present at the party. Consider hiring a lifeguard to be the safety leader for the day, ensuring everyone does their best to swim safely. Plus, it frees up the parents from having to babysit their kids all day when they should be having the time of their lives. 

Go Big On Decorations 

Having an incredible party is all about the right atmosphere, so feel free to go wild with the decorations — as long as it is within budget. Tiki torches, fancy balloons, curling ribbons, the whole works — all tastefully styled to easily fit into your theme. A little ambiance can transform your poolside into a vibing festival. 

Sunburn is no joke, so give your guests a refuge from the sun’s UV rays. Put up a temporary tent or a couple of stylish patio umbrellas to provide much-needed shade and add a bit of boho-chic charm to your party’s decor.

Make Sure the Water is Right 

If you’re hosting the party in your home, you’ll want to ensure the pool is clean and primed for the day’s activities. Test the water chemistry levels for optimal swimming conditions. The ideal pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8 — outside of this range, the water can sting swimmers’ eyes and increase the risk of developing skin rashes. You wouldn’t want to be the host of a party with such outcomes. 

Drinks, Drinks and More Drinks 

Everyone knows it’s not a party without the proper libations. You can usually get away with not serving gourmet food at your event, but age-appropriate drinks are non-negotiable. Pack a cooler with ice and a selection of popular beverages within reaching distance of anyone in the pool to keep things simple. 

A fully stocked tiki bar where guests can order fancy cocktails and themed drinks will surely be a hit at your pool party. If you anticipate that people will spend a lot of time in the pool, setting up a floating bar would definitely add some zing and convenience, making your event more epic. 

Serve Lots of Grab-and-Go Snacks

When your friends are enjoying themselves in the pool, the last thing they want to do is get chlorine water all over a plate. Provide tasty snacks they can easily grab off a tray and munch on without messing their hands. Think pizzas, skewers and finger foods. Fruit pieces are ideal, too. 

It’s important to balance things out between junk and healthy bites. Too much salty or sweet foods increase the body’s water retention, which can cause bloating and dampen your guests’ moods. Once you cover those basics, you can add all the fun menu extras that your friends would enjoy. 

Get Your Party Games Essentials

An epic pool party always has the best games and activities. For these, you’ll need the essentials like inflatables, pool volleyball equipment, water guns and other exciting props. Include fun prizes as well to encourage higher participation and engagement. Don’t forget to provide non-water activities, in case certain guests prefer to stay dry. 

Outside of games, you can also liven things up with photo booths, Insta-worthy photo backdrops and disposable phone wraps so people can capture magical memories freely in and out of the water. Get some inspiration from your favorite social influencers. Scroll through Instagram to see what trendy accessories they’re posing with at the pool. 

Have Lots of Towels at the Ready

Placing a towel station nearby ensures people getting out of the pool can quickly dry off before moving around and mingling with fellow attendees. Stock up on cozy cotton towels and place them within easy reach — your guests will appreciate the gesture. Your towel station is also great for storing other poolside must-haves like sunscreen, bug spray and a first aid kit. 

Get Your Epic Pool Party Rolling

Now that you know how to throw a pool party right, it’s time to take action. Open your calendar, pick your dates and get your plan in motion. Let your imagination run wild with ideas for delivering the best experience for your guests. Remember, as long as your event creates an atmosphere of laughter, fun and lasting memories, it is epic. 

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