How to Make a Small Bathroom Look Like a Spa

Evelyn Long

Nov 14, 2022

orange and blue bathroom with a walk-in shower, plant, vanity, and mirror

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A spa day with girls is the pinnacle of relaxation, with its soft white robes, soothing sounds and pleasant aromas. Unfortunately, most of us can’t afford to go for a full-on retreat every time we feel stressed or unhappy. The answer — bring the spa to you by making your bathroom look like a spa. 

Many people are turning their bathrooms into a grand experience. But what if your bathroom is on the smaller end? Do you have to skip this serene trend? Absolutely not! 

Even small bathrooms look good in this style since the aesthetic tends to be pretty minimal in execution. The light colors and decluttered surfaces lend themselves well to rooms of any size. If you’re still feeling stuck, these tips will show you how to make a small bathroom look like a spa. 

1. Choose Light Paint

Spas rarely use dark colors. Instead, they get inspiration from the colors of nature. Soft blues, greens, whites and greys all make fabulous wall color and accent choices for bathroom retreats. You also don’t want to overdo your color palette. Commonly, you’ll see a shade of white as the dominant color, accented with one accent. Using these light colors will give you the zen quality you’re looking for and make your bathroom look larger.  

2. Add Greenery 

Another way to bring natural colors into your retreat is to add potted plants. Spas tend to have a natural, earthy decor style, so greenery will help infuse your space with the same feeling. Don’t grab just any plant, though. Bathrooms, especially small ones, tend to get less sunlight than other rooms and are also more humid. Ask at your local nursery for species that will thrive in those conditions. 

3. Kill Clutter

One of the most essential aspects of spa-like design is to reduce visual clutter. You want a minimal uniform look to the space. Remove everything possible from your flat surfaces, leaving only a few essentials and a decor piece or two. 

4. Display Your Toiletries

Any toiletries you want to leave out on your counters or shelves have the potential to distract from your peaceful aesthetic. Your mouthwash brand wasn’t exactly thinking of your bathroom design when they created the packaging. Decant your everyday essentials into pretty bottles and jars. 

5. Sprinkle in Small Luxuries

Just because your bathroom is tight on space doesn’t mean it needs to skimp on luxury. Bring the spa to you by adding minor upgrades to some of the typical bathroom basics. Add radiant heat to the floors, a waterfall shower head or a bidet attachment for your toilet to pamper yourself. 

6. Add Soothing Aromas

You don’t typically think of the bathroom as a place to hang around in. You go in, do your business and get out. The main problem is the smell. Counteract the odors of bacteria and unmentionables with some soothing aromas. You can try a number of different options, including an essential oil diffuser or candles. 

7. Surround With Sound

While spas are soothing, they’re rarely silent. If you listen carefully, you’ll probably notice soft soundscapes that mimic the beach or forest. Nature’s music is known lower your heart rate and reduce stress. Pump these calming noises into your small bathroom spa by installing a few Bluetooth speakers. 

8. Dim the Lights

Lighting has a significant impact on the way a room feels. Harsh overhead lighting can snap you out of the zen mood you’re trying to create. Candles are a great solution, but not everyone likes having open flames. If those aren’t for you, try faux candles or have an electrician add a dimmer switch to your current light fixtures. 

Don’t Overdo It

While all of these ideas can help you create a relaxing feel, incorporating all of them at once may not be how to make a small bathroom feel like a spa. Tighter spaces can quickly feel overwhelming if you include too many design elements. Scale back your plans to reflect the size of the room you’re working with. 

Pick a few of your favorite ideas and see how it makes your small bathroom feel. Add new things to the design slowly until you reach the desired, tranquil effect.  

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