A Complete New Apartment Checklist for Renters

Evelyn Long

Jul 29, 2020

new apartment checklist

Whether or not you’re a first-time renter, you never quite know what’s behind an apartment’s front door. There are many variables to consider when you’re on the hunt for a new place to live. It can be even more difficult to know what to pack once you finally sign the lease for your dream home. But don’t worry – there’s a way to stay organized as you move.

Check out this ultimate new apartment checklist so you don’t have to make extra trips to the store during a long week of unpacking. Have fun shopping for things you love so your new apartment feels like home as soon as you walk in.

Your Moving Day Essentials List

First, you’ll want a core set of supplies to have on hand right when you move in. These are things that you don’t want to dig for if it takes a few days to fully unpack. When you move into your new apartment, have a go-bag with these items:

  • Roll of toilet paper
  • Phone charger and/or power strip
  • All-purpose cleaning solution and cloth or paper towels (to quickly wipe surfaces down)
  • Daily medications
  • Hygiene essentials
apartment kitchen checklist

Kitchen Essentials

Unless you’re about to leave home to move into your first place, you likely already have enough kitchen supplies. That said, you should still check to make sure that you’re ready for your new space. It doesn’t cost a lot to stock up your kitchen, especially when you consider that you’ll save money on takeout if you cook more often.

Here are the items you’ll need for the kitchen:

  • Pots and pans: 4-quart saucepot, 12-quart stockpot, 8-inch skillet and 10-inch skillet
  • Medium-sized casserole dish and two cookie sheets
  • Chef’s knife, paring knife and serrated knife
  • Large spoon, whisk, spatula, tongs and measuring cups 
  • Set of plates, bowls and silverware
  • Water glasses and coffee mugs
  • Cutting board
  • Oven mitts and dish towels
  • Coffee maker
  • Food storage containers
  • Garbage can, broom and dustpan, sponges and hand soap
  • Trash bags

If you’ve never cooked for yourself before, it’s not always easy to know what you need to make your favorite meals. You can shop for miscellaneous items, like a slow cooker or toaster oven, as you need them. Don’t buy more than the basics unless you’re confident you’ll use them.

Remember to keep your kitchenware organized so that you can navigate the space with ease.

apartment bathroom checklist for renters

Bathroom Supplies

The bathroom won’t require too many objects, but it’s likely where you’ll keep cleaning supplies. As long as you have specific products on hand, you’ll be able to keep your new apartment tidy. There are a few essentials that can transform your bathroom into a functional space.

Aside from basic toiletries like a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss, you’ll need these bathroom items:

  • Shower curtain and liner
  • Bath mat, bath towels and hand towels
  • Wall hook
  • Toothbrush holder
  • Hand soap
  • Multi-purpose cleaning spray, baking soda and white vinegar
  • Rubber gloves
  • Toilet brush and plunger
  • Toilet paper
  • Garbage can

You can also think about other bathroom cleaning supplies that you like to use so that you can add them to this new apartment checklist. These basics are all that you need for your new place’s bathroom. There’s always time to splurge on a waterproof shower speaker after you’ve settled into your apartment.

complete new apartment checklist for your living room

Living Room and Eating Space

The living room and eating space don’t need to be too extravagant. A simple setup can help you transition to life at your new place. After a few weeks pass, you can make changes as necessary. You could buy a massive flatscreen TV, but it’s always smart to see how your new space feels before you make any major purchases.

You’ll want these basics for the living room and eating space:

  • Dining table with chairs
  • Couch or futon
  • Coffee table
  • Floor lamp

That’s all you’ll need for the living room and eating space to start. As time passes, you’ll be able to add art, plants and other items to fill up the area. You can always look around at local thrift stores to find quality decor for less! You’ll also be able to gauge whether or not you can fit large pieces like TV stands.

apartment bedroom checklist


You may already have all that you need for a comfortable bedroom. In fact, it’s probably easiest to pack for this space. You shouldn’t need to buy any new items, unless you need extra hangers – or if it’s about time for a new mattress. In any case, you should have enough to fill up your bedroom rather quickly.

Here are some essentials that you’ll need for the bedroom:

  • Mattress with bed frame
  • Duvet or comforter and sheets
  • Pillows and pillowcases
  • Dresser
  • Hangers
  • Laundry basket
  • Floor lamp

Basic bedroom furniture and storage solutions should work magic for your new bedroom. That said, everyone has different needs – if you have to have a desk for work or school, it’s important to bring one.

You can write down what you’ll eventually want to buy, too. You can create a stylish bedroom with a few simple tricks, even if it’s small!

cleaning supplies for apartment

Health and Wellness Supplies

In addition to living essentials, everyone should have health and wellness products standing by in case of an emergency. You can get a first aid kit and add these emergency products, which will last you a long time:

  • Band-aids
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Gauze and medical tape
  • Over-the-counter painkillers, like Tylenol or Motrin
  • Allergy medication

Depending on where you live, you may want to build an emergency kit for any local natural disasters. Kits prepared for earthquakes, wildfires and hurricanes could make a significant difference in your toughest moments.

Cleaning Essentials

Your health also depends on certain cleaning supplies you can stock up on, like:

  • Disinfectant spray
  • Laundry detergent
  • Bathroom cleaners
  • Hand soap refills
  • Paper towels
  • Kitchen sponges
  • Dish soap

You can always use these products to wipe down your apartment during move-in so you don’t get sick from any grime or bacteria left behind by the previous resident.

Use This New Apartment Checklist to Prepare for Your Move

If you’re about to move into a new place, it’s smart to keep a checklist so that you know how to tackle this process! Use this new apartment checklist to make sure that your transition goes smoothly.

You may have to wait on things like furniture and decor, but if you prepare to buy these necessities, this new apartment checklist will help make your move easy.

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