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When moving into a new home, people may forget some things while being caught up in the thrilling process. A new homeowner checklist can help you keep your priorities straight and help you recall something you may have forgotten to do after closing on your brand-new home.
New Homeowner Checklist Once You Close
Closing Day is a special day for many people. The new homeowner checklist you create should include things that you must do after closing on the house. While you don’t necessarily need to complete things on this checklist immediately, you should start thinking about them the moment the house is signed over to you.
1. Change Things to Fit You
As you move into your new home, there will be things you would like to change and things you should change. Because you don’t know how many copies of keys to the existing locks are floating around, you’ll want to change the locks on your home as soon as possible. This way, you can ensure that any copies of your house’s keys will go to people you know and trust.
You may also have a different vision in mind for your home’s interior. Room by room, note what you want to change on the walls and ceilings. That way, you can create a road map for renovations you’d like to make in the future.
2. Do a Maintenance Inspection
Ensure all of your appliances work and your water pressure works well, too. You should have had an inspection before closing on the home, which should have uncovered any underlying issues. If you have decided to fix any of the problems, now is the time to plan for them to be fixed by professionals who can do the job swiftly and accurately.
You’ll also need to see which updates you can make on your own. Adding new caulk or weather stripping to your windows and doors to seal off any cracks is an easy task you can do on your own to save money on your future energy bills.
3. Keep Your Papers Together
Don’t throw away your papers after you receive them. Keep all your essential closing papers together until you have somewhere safe to store them. Keeping your documents with you can help you look over what you signed, especially in case anything goes wrong or any issues creep up.
New Homeowner Checklist for the Home
Depending on your situation before you moved into your home, your new homeowner checklist may look different from someone else’s. People moving from house to house should have enough to fill the home, while someone who moved out of an apartment or a relative’s home may find they need more to have a functional home.
1. Safety Box
Nearly half a million households experience a fire every year, resulting in property losses that many homeowners can’t get back. A fireproof and waterproof box can protect all of your important papers, such as a home deed, birth certificates, marriage licenses and more from any damage. It should be at the top of the list for new homeowners to acquire once they move into a home.
2. New Appliances
Unless new appliances were included in the move, you should look at ordering some for your home. Often, appliances left behind don’t meet the needs of the family who moves in. Think about what you want to prioritize and which appliances you can live without, then place an order. You don’t have to do everything all at once — sometimes, a mini fridge works just as well as a full-size refrigerator while you’re saving up to make the purchase.
3. Create a List
If you have friends and family in the area, you should be sure to host a housewarming party. While you should never host a housewarming to expect gifts, it can help your loved ones decide what to get you if they want to bring a gift. Your list of most-wanted items for your home can also guide you toward more meaningful purchases to make in the future.
New Homeowner Checklist for an Overnight Bag
When you move into a new home, you may notice that you’ve packed all of your belongings. You will be so tired from the move that you may not feel like opening every box to see where your belongings went. You should have an overnight bag packed to easily access anything you need the first night in the house you just bought. Having an overnight bag should be a staple on every new homeowner checklist.
1. Change of Clothes
You might have dressed up to close on your home, as so many people often do. Even if you are wearing comfortable clothes, you’ll likely want a change of clothes packed away, so you have something fresh to sleep in and wear the next day. It might take a while before you get to unpack all of your clothes, so having some to spare will help you feel more comfortable as you relax in your new home.
2. Toiletries
Nothing could be more disappointing than wanting to brush your teeth or take a shower in your new home, then not knowing where your bathroom items are. Around 15% of people forget their toothbrush when traveling, and you might have it packed away in a box you can’t reach. Packing your toiletries ensures that you’ll feel fresh on your first morning in the home.
3. Electronic Devices and Chargers
Without a few essential things, like Wi-Fi and cable, set up, you might not have a great way to pass the time through the night. By ensuring that you have your phone and its charger on you, you’ll at least be able to contact the people you need to. If you have a handheld video game system, you can pass the time waiting for certain services like Wi-Fi installation by playing video games.
Build a New Homeowner Checklist of Your Own
While most homeowners will have different needs when they move into a home, you can be sure that your new homeowner checklist will include many of these necessities. An overnight bag is a must, but what you choose to put in it is up to you if you don’t want to dig through boxes on your first evening in your new home. Tailor your checklist to your needs while remembering to include the major things above, and you should have everything ready to enjoy your new home.